Useful functionality

Quick registration

Quick registration

Logins, passwords, phone numbers, personal data and a lot of other information - now many resources ask for such data to register on the site and for subsequent entry into a "personal account". And with all this there may still be difficulties with an insufficiently secure password, entering captcha and other manipulations which complicate the registration and only discourage and irritate the client.

In today's world, most people value their own time and want to use it productively and to the maximum benefit, not to spend hours on a complicated registration on the online resource. Therefore, such a process should be as simplified, fast and automated as possible, so that registration in two clicks can be done.

Sign up in two clicks

Quick registration on a crypto-exchange is a significant advantage for users who want to quickly register, log into their "personal cabinet" and proceed to the exchange, instead of wasting time fulfilling unnecessary requirements and filling out long registration forms. That is the kind of turn-key exchangers developed by Exsoft team.

We believe that the basic and not insignificant function of a crypto-exchange is to develop a personal account, where the user can enter after registration. But here we need to consider all preferences and clients' peculiarities. Since the cryptocurrency community prefers to work anonymously, registering with a phone number or through social networks is not a suitable option. Therefore, registration via e-mail is a more acceptable option.

As an option, after registration, the user will be able to enter their personal account, where they will be able to improve their profile and add their phone number, if they wish, in order to strengthen their security. Registration on the crypto-exchange should be obligatory to identify the user and secure the parties, but at the same time it should be simple. We believe that registering through Google email is the most appropriate and easiest way.

Advantages of sign-up via email:

  • accessibility;
  • simplicity of procedure;
  • rapidity;
  • safety.

In a crypto exchange, registered users can make purchases or sales of cryptocurrencies. That is, access to exchange will only be available after registration via Google mail or any other email. But since now every Internet user has an email, registration will take two clicks, quickly and very easily.

Creating an account in the crypto exchange will not pose any difficulty. The customer only needs to provide a valid email to which he has access. Google mail is needed to activate the user's account after registration in the crypto exchange. Because an email immediately after successful registration will arrive with the data for logging in. With this letter, the user will not only be able to activate his account, but also link it to the email for further work with the crypto exchange.

Immediately after registration, the user will have access to exchanges and will be able to track the process of exchange for each request.

Many users are interested in the question whether they will use their email for the distribution of advertising. Do not worry, this will not happen unless the customer agrees to send notifications or advertising information to his email. The user's email will be used for messages about the change of status of requests, useful news and recovery of access to the account.

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